Principles for Design & Development


Principle 3

Principle 3: Design for Scale

Principle 3Too often international development projects fail to move beyond the pilot stage, or to reach anticipated scale. In some cases, scale is not a necessary criterion for success. In others, careful consideration of the necessary inputs can help projects reach their full potential. Principle #3: Design for Scale provides considerations for how to design a project for maximum impact.
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  • Design for scale from the start, and assess and mitigate dependencies that might limit ability to scale.
  • Employ a “systems” approach to design, considering implications of design beyond an immediate project.
  • Be replicable and customizable in other countries and contexts.
  • Demonstrate impact before scaling a solution.
  • Analyze all technology choices through the lens of national and regional scale.
  • Factor in partnerships from the beginning and start early negotiations.



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