Principles for Design & Development


Principle 7

Principle 7: Reuse and Improve

Principle 7As the use of information and communications technologies in international development has matured, so too has a base of methods, standards, software, platforms, and other technology tools. Yet too often we see scarce resources being invested to develop new tools when instead existing tools could be adapted and improved. Principle 7: Reuse and Improve offers tips to avoid reinventing the wheel.

On March 24, the Principles for Digital Development Working Group met at the offices of IDEO in San Francisco to discuss Principle 7: Reuse and Improve. Stay tuned to this space for notes coming soon.

  • Use, modify and extend existing tools, platforms, and frameworks when possible.
  • Develop in modular ways favoring approaches that are interoperable over those that are monolithic by design.



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