Principles for Design & Development


Principle 6

Principle 6: Use Open Standards, Open Data, Open Source, and Open Innovation

Principle 6Too often in international development, scarce, public resources are spent investing in code, tools, and innovations that are either locked away behind proprietary, fee-based firewalls, or created in a bespoke way for use in sector-specific silos. Principle #6: Use Open Data, Open Standards, Open Source, and Open Innovation provides a framework to consider an “open” approach to technology-enabled international development.
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  • Adopt and expand existing open standards.
  • Open data and functionalities and expose them in documented APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) where use by a larger community is possible.
  • Invest in software as a public good.
  • Develop software to be open source by default with the code made available in public repositories and supported through developer communities.



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