Principles for Design & Development


Principle 8

Principle 8: Address Privacy & Security

Principle 8Information is power, as the old adage goes, and this is certainly true in the context of technology-enabled global development interventions. How information is collected, stored, analyzed, shared, and used has serious implications for both the populations about whom data are being transmitted, and the organizations transmitting the data. Principle 8: Address Privacy & Security provides a framework for considering how to protect user privacy and the security of data, devices, and tools.

On May 8, the Principles for Digital Development Working Group will meet at the offices of UN Global Pulse in New York City to discuss Principle 8: Address Privacy & Security. Stay tuned to this space for notes following the meeting.

  • Assess and mitigate risks to the security of users and their data.
  • Consider the context and needs for privacy of personally identifiable information when designing solutions and mitigate accordingly.
  • Ensure equity and fairness in co-creation, and protect the best interests of the end end-users.



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