Principles for Design & Development

The Principles

  1. 1Design with the User
  2. 2Understand the Existing Ecosystem
  3. 3Design for Scale
  4. 4Build for Sustainability
  5. 5Be Data Driven
  1. 6Use Open Standards, Open Data, Open Source, and Open Innovation
  2. 7Reuse and Improve
  3. 8Address Privacy & Security
  4. 9Be Collaborative

Living guidelines for technology-enabled programs

These Principles find their roots in the efforts of individuals, development organizations, and donors alike who have called for a more concerted effort by donors and implementing partners to institutionalize lessons learned in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in development projects. They were written by and for international development donors and their implementing partners, but are freely available for use by all. The Principles are intended to serve as guidance rather than edict, and to be updated and refined over time.